April 13th, 2012

I love mink so much; it’s a pity she’s seemed to drop out of the music world altogether. Her favourite song of mine is “One Suitcase”, but since I only had her Shalom album handy, I’ve been listening to “世界で一番奇麗な場所” 1“The World’s Most Beautiful Place”

I was really struck by these (pre-)chorus passages: 2And I was struck by them 4 years ago, too! Look!

For example, what if I only had a hundred days to live?
What would I do? What would I see?
What would I hear? What would I say?

For example, what if I only had a hundred days to live?
Who would I see? Who would I touch?
Who would I love? Who would I forgive?

(Although I can tell you, if I had a hundred days to live, I would travel for a month – maybe even two. I would wind my way across the world and live out there. I would hope to see people, hear them, touch them, speak to them. Then I’d come home and do the same thing with my friends and family.) 3I might also go skydiving.

I also have some thoughts churning about forgiveness, but I’ll save those for another time.

It’s important to get perspective on things from time to time as I get deeper and deeper into the murky waters of my thesis. (And trust me, they are murky. I do more experiments to clarify things: and then I find more reactivity I have to explain! -sigh- I’m starting to think of it as thesis fodder.)

1 “The World’s Most Beautiful Place”
2 And I was struck by them 4 years ago, too! Look!
3 I might also go skydiving.
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