April 26th, 2006


My fully legal, copy-protected CDs are HERE!

With liner notes!

And photos!

And thank-yous!

And lyrics!

(And an extra little toy car which I’ve lost.)

And the limited edition BEST CD with a bonus disc!

SQUEE! :kawaii:

I’ve got one exam–organic chem left. Knowing me and my history with that course, and given the fact I’ve not really been studying for it, I need to cram the entire course in eight hours. Can you say, OW?!

At least I’ll be doing it to my CORE OF SOUL CDs. 😀

This entry was posted on Wednesday, April 26th, 2006 at 5:22 pm and is filed under quotidian. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

4 Responses to “*insert one of Neale’s clever titles here*”

Naddie aka eiki from LJ Says:

😀 Coolness! And good luck for your paper xD I should study for mine…

Oh, and I got a Ron for that HP quiz 😛 Man, I wonder when book 7 is coming out. I refuse to read anything that might spoil me for some of the details in the upcoming book. I’ve abstained for every single book and it will NOT stop now!

Mike Says:

Good luck on the exam, Cat!!!

Neale Says:

Hurray for e-commerce! Also, I find it very cool that your CDs came with a little toy car. That should happen way more often.

Cat Says:

I actually wanted Ultraman, but they didn’t have any of those toys left 🙁