About me

Refraction is maintained by a slightly nutty and mp3-player-loving Chinese-Canadian girl. She enjoys webdesign, learning languages, complaining, and slacking off. She’s prone to video games, comics, moodiness, and immaturity in general.

Cat is currently attending her local university and studying for her BSc. She particularly likes chemistry but harbours a strong distaste for physics. We’ll see how this turns out. She takes a French minor because Arts students are insane and a welcome break from thinking about the possible decomposition pathways for a transition metal alkyl complex. (Despite this, she still ends up talking to the other science student in the class about quantum chemistry.)

Her career ambitions include becoming the Fullmetal Alchemist as well as a polyglot. She supposedly speaks Cantonese as a mother tongue, but has fallen into the CBC trap; she speaks French well enough when she isn’t stunted by un maudit inferiority complex; and she can stammer out a couple of words in Japanese and German.

For some reason people think she watches a lot of anime, but she doesn’t even really watch the English dubs anymore. Her only TV habits are Heroes and Dollhouse. Lately her attention’s been turned to indie music–in English, even!–and she’s become addicted to downloading mixes made by others in an attempt to discover new artists.

She thinks random facts are fun!

Sun Sign: Gemini
Moon Sign: Aquarius
Food: Sushi
Drink: Matcha au lait
Song: “Antebellum” (Vienna Teng)
Guilty pleasure: Anberlin
Emoticon: XD
Colour: Blue
Book: The Golden Compass