November 20th, 2003 | 1 Comment »

I’m back from my national quiz/trivia competition thing. I shan’t tell you what the results are since there are certain people who don’t want it spoiled (it won’t air until January), but suffice to say we were not humiliated. That much. It was really fun, though. I had a really nice roommate who put up with me and my odd ways for the better part of four days. She was definitely cool. I was afraid I would be stuck with someone who was really picky about everything, but I was lucky. And at least I wasn’t rooming with my opponent! X_x; That would have been odd. And awkward. Her teammates (both guys) were cool, too.

Yes, I had a mighty fine time mooching money. We saw the sights–Casa Loma, Canada’s only castle; the SkyDome, home of several sports teams; and Eaton Centre: lotsa shopping! I got to see \The Matrix: Revolutions\ not once, but TWICE! The second time on the giant IMAX screen. And we met Wayne Gretzky’s father! That was neat, but not as exciting for me as for the others. And there was a book sale and I snapped up lots of fun things, Shakespeare’s \Tempest\ included.

I had a blast. Most of the time. xD

Posted in general
November 14th, 2003 | 4 Comments »

‘Cause I’m leaving on a jet plane…
Don’t know when I’ll be back again

Yes, people, this line is more true than I realized. I am leaving on a jet plane and I have absolutely NO idea when I’ll be back. I’m heading off to a national trivia/quiz competition this weekend. My plane leaves tomorrow morning; I’ll be in Toronto in the evening. Should be cold, huh? Anyway… I’ll be staying in a very very nice hotel, and after a day of being dragged to the Hockey Hall of Fame, I will be competing. *gulp* Okay, well, I have my team. >>;; Hardly alone. But I’m so scared! I’m about ot be embarassed nationwide yet AGAIN~!

Anyway, wish me luck! =) This’ll be my last blog entry for a while.

Every song I sing, I sing for you…

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November 14th, 2003 | No Comments »

Grad photos were a pain. >>; Wah, what a pain. Too much runnng around the stupid studio, getting shoved around, told to do things which I later did… later… >>; And one group photo and no friendship photo *sniff* which was really my fault, since I got there way too early. Everyone looked quite lovely (ah, well, the girls did, the guys just looked like they threw on a suit–although as someone pointed out, they got powdered xD)

Right, I have a picture from my friend’s digital camera but as I find it quite painful to Photoshop pictures of myself (and as it’s not a particularly GOOD picture of me… hehhehehe -_-;;) it will stay hidden on my hard drive forever. That’s right. FOREVER!

Darn it, my hair was so messed up *sniff* It looked so much better when I did it the day before. _-_;;

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November 11th, 2003 | No Comments »

Lest we forget.

Well, my mother and I had fun today with makeup. Not so much the hair, because she still doesn’t seem to understand that curls are better when you don’t comb them out and end up looking frumpy. {{link Jess}}, you have pretty ringlets, please tell me that’s the case. I used a lot of gel on my hair today. As a matter of fact, I could find wet spots on my hair from all the gel I used several hours afterwards. Mom assured me that I looked very pretty in my dress and my makeup (and I’ve decided eyeliner really is a necessity. Although my mom puts a little too much on… =\) And I really hope the stairs at the studio aren’t as uneven as the ones in my house. They were such a pain to walk up and down… and up and down…. and up and down… Well…. I have about two hours tomorrow, that should be enough time to deal with my hair.

I should tell my friend to bring her digital camera tomorrow. Yes, I should do that.

Posted in general
November 8th, 2003 | 1 Comment »

It’s a reverse survey, which conveniently means **I** don’t have to do any work. Copy, paste, and answer in the comments, if you think you’re up to it 🙂

01. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
02. Am I loveable?
03. How long have you known me?
04. When and how did we first meet?
05. What was your first impression?
06. Do you still think that way about me now?
07. Which superpower should I have?
08. Do you think I’ll get married?
09. What makes me happy?
10. What makes me sad?
11. What song (if any) reminds you of me?
12. If you could give me anything what would it be?
13. Do you consider me a good friend?
14. When’s the last time you saw me?
15. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn’t?
16. Would you make a move on me?
17. Describe me in one word.
18. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same?
19. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen?
20. Do I cross your mind at least 2 times a day?

Posted in general
November 8th, 2003 | 3 Comments »

Meh, I still haven’t seen \The Matrix Revolutions\. Been hearing mixed things about it, too. Lots of people seem to think the original was the best out of the three… and as I haven’t seen the third one yet, I am in no position to be choosing sides. Speaking of the original, it was on TV tonight, so what do I go and do? I go and watch it. I must complain about the editing job on the movie, though: they cut out my favourite part! They cut out Spoon Boy! Of course, it then makes no sense when Neo later says, “There is no spoon,” during the rescue mission.

And after following several discussions on message boards, I realize that Keanu Reeves is OLD. Like 39 years of age old >>; I always thought he was in his early 30’s or something… >>; And although he’s not the best actor in Hollywood, I’m not sure that another actor could have fitted the part so well. To me, Neo always had a touch of “What is going on and why isn’t anyone explaining this to me?!” look, which Reeves pulls off quite well. Will Smith as Neo would not have worked, mostly because it would have given the film a completely different tone. ??;;

I think I’ll end my Matrix rambling with several quotes. Because quotes are always fun.

Oracle: You’re cuter than I expected. No wonder she likes you.
Neo: Who?
Oracle: Not too bright, though.

Tank: Okay. What do you need, besides a miracle?
Neo: Guns. Lots of guns.

[Don’t you love how the answer to everything is always guns? And lots of them?]

Agent Smith: Do you hear that, Mr. Anderson? That is the sound of inevitability. That is the sound of your death. Goodbye, Mr. Anderson.

And…. *drumroll*

Spoon Boy: Do not try and bend the spoon. That’s impossible. Instead only try to realize the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Spoon Boy: There is no spoon.
Neo: There is no spoon?
Spoon Boy: Then you’ll see that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.

So, so, deep.

Posted in general
November 6th, 2003 | 2 Comments »

I’ve stopped doing quizzes for the most part, this one is just too cute ^^; I’ve actually never watched the movie, either…

Also, I need to see _The Matrix Revolutions_. Don’t think I’ll have time this weekend, though, what with one thing and another…
Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in general
November 2nd, 2003 | No Comments »

{{link Jessica’s}} finally back from her hiatus. ^^ Good to see you dear. Everyone go welcome her back. **Now.** ^^

And in other news I am again working on that dreaded EE. I realize that 4000 words isn’t that much after all. I’ve got about 2500 on the protagonists only, and I have another disconnected thousand on the secondary characters. I’m afraid I’m going to run out of words. -_-; I need to basically re-write that secondary characters part though. >>; Ouch. Only a thousand words. I have a lot already, just a bunch of editing and inserting two new paragraphs.

I should get back to work. I will upload the pictures I found of a dress very similar to mine… soon. And yay for Sam who has finally gotten HER grad dress 🙂

Posted in general
November 1st, 2003 | 2 Comments »

You know that you REALLY don’t look your age when the saleslady asks you if you’re in high school, then looks surprised when you answer, “Yes, I’m in Grade 12.”

You also know that when a scant two months ago, someone says to you and your friend, “You two are still in high school? I’d have given either of you a drink for sure” you look older than you are.

And when you get called “Ma’am” at the age of sixteen, as I was during the summer of ’02, you feel very old. v_v;

Is it the haircut? O_o;

All my experiences of people trying to guess my age turn out to be rather annoying. They’re never right. Maybe I just look older when I tie my hair back. And younger when it’s down. Which is most of the time. People in Chinatown think I’m old enough to be buying groceries on my own and that I’m not with that woman standing right next to me handing over the cash (that would be my mother.) … yeah.

So, in conclusion. I don’t look my age. Whatever that may be.

Posted in general
October 30th, 2003 | 1 Comment »

Panic time.

Must finish Korea Essay (more than halfway done.) Must also write a couple of pages for EE. ._. I’d forgotten that I had to hand in the next part TOMORROW! *dies*


* I need a host for my {{link Maaya fanlisting}}. Brinskter has added these evil ads which obscure half my content. -_-; Anyone who’s willing, please leave me a message in the comments! (Ah yes, yet another reason why I need a domain. I am sucking up way too many people’s space, and I feel so horrible about it.)

* I need to rant about my orthodonist.

* I need to be able to stop time temporarily so I can get all this stuff done! AAAAAAAAARGH!

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