November 1st, 2003

You know that you REALLY don’t look your age when the saleslady asks you if you’re in high school, then looks surprised when you answer, “Yes, I’m in Grade 12.”

You also know that when a scant two months ago, someone says to you and your friend, “You two are still in high school? I’d have given either of you a drink for sure” you look older than you are.

And when you get called “Ma’am” at the age of sixteen, as I was during the summer of ’02, you feel very old. v_v;

Is it the haircut? O_o;

All my experiences of people trying to guess my age turn out to be rather annoying. They’re never right. Maybe I just look older when I tie my hair back. And younger when it’s down. Which is most of the time. People in Chinatown think I’m old enough to be buying groceries on my own and that I’m not with that woman standing right next to me handing over the cash (that would be my mother.) … yeah.

So, in conclusion. I don’t look my age. Whatever that may be.

This entry was posted on Saturday, November 1st, 2003 at 8:49 pm and is filed under general. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

2 Responses to “You know that…”

Bobby Says:

oh well … not looking your age can have its advantages

Anthony Says:

Hey, I get called sir and buy groceries all the time. I should start testing my limits.