I swear, procrastination will be the death of me one day. I should really start working on… stuff. >>;;
I am 36% Internet Addict
I could go either way. Deep into the madness of nights filled with coding CGI-Scripts and online role playing games, or I could become a normal user. Good luck!
Take the Internet Addict Test at fuali.com
Bah, I was sure I would be more addicted than THAT.
Anyway… I guess I’m a little burned out. TOK script, French, Chem, History… X_X;; It’s all coming to a head. One of these days I will break down and you won’t be able to understand a thing I’ll say. Sad, really; hopefully with the weekend I’ll be able to gain a little rest. I’m so tired right now. So incredibly tired, and fatigued, even if I don’t show it. There’s always another reserve of energy, but I’m really running low right now. Too many things to worry about, too much responsibility. I’m losing myself, I think; I’ve become so wrapped up in the IB program that I can’t remember the kind of person I was before I entered. Maybe it’s these past few weeks. Presentation after presentation after presentation; procrastination; the elusive hunt for CAS hours; committment upon committent; sometimes I wonder if it’s too much. If I’m really not the right kind of person for the program. If it would be better for me if I dropped out of the program, back into regular. Or back to Ideal, even…
This is as much sense as you’re going to get out of me today.
nce upon a time there has a young WINDOW WASHER named JAMES. He was SUBCONSCIOUSLY SKIPPING in the ROYAL forest when he met MAGENTA JUSTIN, a run-away TEACHER from the SNOWBALLING Queen CAROLINE.
JAMES could see that MAGENTA JUSTIN was hungry so he reached into his BUCKET and give him his REFLECTIVE SUSHI. MAGENTA JUSTIN was thankful for JAMES‘s SUSHI, so he told JAMES a very SWEET story about Queen CAROLINE‘s daughter JOYCE. How her mother, the SNOWBALLING Queen CAROLINE, kept her locked away in a LIBRARY protected by a gigantic CAT, because JOYCE was so ADAMANT.
JAMES CALCULATED. He vowed to MAGENTA JUSTIN the TEACHER that he would save the ADAMANT JOYCE. He would READ the CAT, and take JOYCE far away from her evil mother, the SNOWBALLING Queen CAROLINE, and RUN her.
Then, all of the sudden, there was a FLAT TORNADO and MOONLIT JUSTIN the TEACHER began to laugh. With a puff of smoke he turned into the gigantic CAT from his story. SNOWBALLING Queen CAROLINE SHOWED out from behind a UMBRELLA and struck JAMES dead. In the far off LIBRARY you could hear a BOOM.
Make your own Fairy Tale at fuali.com
Oh dear. Poor James. I didn’t mean for it to turn out that way. Really.
Stressed. And feeling slightly ill as a result of it. If I have time (~_~;;) I’ll blog later. Not now. Too much work. -_-;
GRR. Still waiting for the script >:C! <~~ (my super-mad face)
A quiz from {{link http://www.pioneerproject.net/~rinoa Rinoa}}!
Busy. Super busy. Please forgive me. Things will be hectic for the next two weeks X_X;;
Jessica has become my first sister site! ^_^! This makes me happy *nodnod*
Right now I’m hopping through PHP tutorials, trying to get the gist of it. While I only want to use includes for the BBSJ website, I’m thinking that we could go a lot farther with PHP. Reading through all these tutorials reminds me of the time I was on my JavaScript kick, and I just started reading those “JavaScript for Dummies” books. Actually, I think it was Java. In any case, I see a lot of things I’ve seen before–arrays, variables, strings… unfortunately I can’t test this stuff locally, I have to FTP it to check if it works. -_-; Which is why I’ve gone and set up an account with coolfreepages.com. Sure, there’s a pop-under, but it does let you use PHP. So I thought I’d use that as a testing ground before I upload anything to the real site 😀 I don’t want to waste server space. I’m not quite sure how much we’ve got.
Oh, speaking of the BBSJ, I am quite satisfied with the layout I have come up for the website. It’s very clean and professional looking. 😀 Although it doesn’t have the logo. But I didn’t like the logo anyway. It was too square and blocky. (Don’t tell anyone I said that >>;;)
I practically have free rein, Ivan trusts me, he says I know what I’m doing XD
Want to take Catherine’s super duper hard quiz that has no revelance whatsoever? Come on. I dare you >D
This one is *super* hard. Like *super* hard. So you’ve been warned. And if you get a low score, well, I warned you.
In other news… I need to go scuttle off and do a physics lab.
Procrastination sucks. At least I’m half done. Although I fail to see how 470 cm/ s^2 even REMOTELY resembles the literature value of gravity. It’s close to half… but not quite. I wish I knew what I’d done wrong ><
Today, I guess, was actually a pretty good day ^_^
Chem was not too bad today. I got perfect on the Chem quiz! And that worksheet was very satisfying. I get to cross out all of those factors. Cancel cancel cancel cancel! ^_^!
French… uh… French was interesting. Neither good nor bad.
Amnesty was very GRR. But the club is FINALLY getting some structure, which is good. ^_^ I’m secretary for the fundraising committee!!
History was OK. OK. It would have been fun if work wasn’t involved. So who was Madison again?
TOK was… boring. I am **very** glad that I did not fail my TOK presentation. I was seriously afraid that I would. ^_____^
I got the CDs from Ben! Which means I have Photoshop now :DDDDDDDDD
*_* And there’s another reason why I’m happy. *_*
Oh, by the way, Michael, I finished.
It’s a survey. Just because I’m bored.
1) Single or Taken: Single
2) Gender: Female
3) Birthday: May 27
4) Sign: Gemini
5) Siblings: one younger brother
6) Hair color: black. Although I’ve been told different things in different lighting conditions.
7) Eye color: dark dark dark dark brown
8) shoe size: Anywhere from 7 – 8
9) height: 160-something cm
-;-* R e l a t i o n s h i p s~
1 Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: No.
;-*F a s h i o n S t u f f *-;-*
1) Where is your favorite place to shop: … good question.
2) Any tattoos or piercing: No.
*-;-* T h e E x t r a S t u f f *-;-*
1) Have you ever smoked?: No.
2) What kind of shampoo do you use: Uh…. Clairol’s Daily Defense?
3) What are you most scared of: Um…. IB. No, death. No, the suffer suffer die die-ness of IB.
4) What are you listening to right now: Onaji Hoshi ni Umare Futaridakara
5) What vehicle do you wish to have: Uh… the S-Type. Is that the right answer Mike?
6) Who is the last person that called you: Er… Alyson.
7) Where do you want to get married: Did I say I wanted to get married?
8) How many messenger buddies do you have on right now: 12.
9) If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be: …
*-;-* F a v o r i t e s *-;-*
1) Color: Blue. Either really dark or really light. Also purple XD
2) Whats your fav. food? SUSHI! @_@ SUGOI!
3) Boy’s names: Aidan. Aidan’s a nice name.
4) Girl’s names: Rei, Cassandra, Miranda
5) Subjects in school that you like: French. English. *thinks* Foods.
6) Animals: Cats. Dolphins. Horses *_* Eagles.
7) Game(s): Final Fantasy. Super Smash Bros.
*have Y o u E v e r *-;-*
1) Given anyone a bath: No.
2) Smoked: No.
3) bungee jumped: No and don’t count on it.
4) Broken the law: Jaywalking.
5) Made yourself throw-up: No. >.<
6) Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: Maybe ^_~
* F i r s t T h i n g T h a t C o m e s T o M i n d *
1) Red: Robin
2) Cow Tipping: BAH!
3) Socks: Sam’s Christmas socks
4) Greenland: Icy.
*~-;-~*Last questions*~-;-~*
1) Do you like filling these out: Eh.
2) How many people are you sending this to? I’m bloggin’ it. You figure it out.
3) Who will send it back: *see above*
4) Gold or Silver: Silver
5) What is the last film you saw at the cinema: Harry Potter. 1.
7) Favorite cartoon character: Er. Rei, Ami, Sakura, Garfield. Hikari.
8) What do you have for breakfast in the morning: Toast. Or cereal.
9) Who would you hate being locked in a room with: Uh…. *looks the other way and runs*