September 24th, 2002 | No Comments »

SO WHO IS IT {{link MICHAEL}}??!?!

Posted in general
September 24th, 2002 | No Comments »

I really need a domain. I feel so evil sucking up the space of other people.

Yes, yes I do. But my parents would never understand that… 🙁

Posted in general
September 23rd, 2002 | 2 Comments »

I am procrastinating.

I need a tagboard.

Posted in general
September 23rd, 2002 | No Comments »

Why am I blogging so much?

Posted in general
September 23rd, 2002 | No Comments »

I really need a domain. I feel so evil sucking up the space of other people.

Yes, yes I do. But my parents would never understand that… 🙁

Posted in general
September 23rd, 2002 | No Comments »

I’m still procrastinating. I did finish those two History documents though. They were very… boring. v_v;; And kinda hard to read, because of the photocopying job. But I guess it could have been worse, huh?

Anyway…. I spent a lot of the day reading Chobits. *_* Chobits is funny. Yar. I found a site that will “Streambeam” anime episodes to you on a “streamload” account. Unfortunately, since I’m poor, young, Canadian (it’s an American site), and can’t pay $5 a month, I can’t download them. -_-;; Looks like I misread the policy… Ah well… One day I will find a way to watch anime for free… Until then, I’ll read manga…

I still need to work on that stupid Physics lab. I am currently out of ideas. I have no idea how to measure the period of a pendulum.

And I can’t find my field trip form for foods –;; I have to get my new math teacher to sign it tomorrow…. waa….

I also need to work on an outline for my English paper. >.>;; Daaaaarn it. And Iris and I need to sign up for a date to do our \Oedipus Rex\ seminar. Daaaarn it. She might have signed us up for a date already O_o;;

Darn it.

When did my blog become a place for me to rant about homework? It’s just not faaaiiiiirrrrr……..

Posted in general
September 20th, 2002 | No Comments »

I got back from Whistler today ^_^ Let’s do a recap of the past few days:

Wednesday: Workshops first, on \Henry V\. I found the first workshop rather boring; I guess it was up to us, the students, to make it interesting. No, I didn’t participate that much — how can you tell? Anyway… the second workshop was more intersting. Although I didn’t quite understadn why we needed to do the skits. O_o It’s not like we performed them (thank goodness!) We then headed over to Granville Island to prove that’s it’s really a microcosm of the larger city. That was not fun –;;

Thursday: I got up at 5:30 am. Why? My mom woke me up. Anyway. Sarah and I got to school at about 7:10-ish. (The bus was scheduled to leave at 7:30.) So we waited. And we waited. And we waited some more. It was past nine when we finally got on a bus. –;; And the trip up the mountain took something like three hours. We dumped our bags in a room and then went canoeing! (Which was fun ^^!) Then we got into our rooms, had dinner (spaghetti) and watched the skits that everyone had devised. >.>;; We sat in a gym for three hours. Not a good idea. Slept at 1:30 am.

Friday: Woke up at 6:35am. A poorly organized day, to say the least. The directors changed plans halfway thorugh the way, so everyone was confused. Especially, it seems, me. Anyway… I was cranky. Sam will attest to that. Got home at approximately 5:45pm. Whee!

I have too much homework this weekend. I’ve been procrastinating. But I have a professional day on Monday! Guess what I’ll be doing?

Posted in general
September 18th, 2002 | 1 Comment »

Today the IB contingent of our school went to see \Henry V\. I must say, it’s much better to watch than read, as is the case of most plays. For one thing, the battles are much more exciting. And the charcters are more real and emotional (I tend to read plays with a monotone sort of sound in my head. I have no imagination.) Bard started out okay…. it ended at 3:40. That was a two-and-a-half hour play (there was a brief intermission.) Meh… the way home was not as nice as the way there (I got a ride) but, Sarah and I got home okay. In one piece. Contrary to what SOME people thought would happen to us.

Anyway…. please go see {{link Reina’s new layout}}. It’s really quite beautiful. And look at what she wrote about me!
“Gem is one of the most hardworking people I know, jugging a busy online life with a crazy school life, and she manages it well. Her weblog is always pristine, and I’ve really enjoyed hosting her the time that I have, come read about her amazing life ! “\
Aww… Reina, you really shouldn’t have.*^_^* You deserve a few plugs ^_________^
{{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}} {{link PLUG!}}

I found this about Sailormoon on the {{link DiC website}}.
“**SAILOR MOON (159 x 30)**
A young girl named Serena and her four high school friends have been chosen to receive powers from mysterious Celestial Guardians. Only Serena is able to access the powers needed to fight the evil forces of Queen Beryl by transforming into SAILOR MOON. The combination of her fierce battle cry, “Moon Power,” and the hi-tech powers from her secret locket has made SAILOR MOON the female force of the new millenium. (animated)”\

I have no idea how they got that. First of all, “the Celestial Guardians” are not mentioned ANYWHERE. EVER. Not in the dub, certainly. I have no idea who they would be anyway? {{link Queen Serenity}}?! “Only Serena”? Um, what happened to her “four high school friends”? And what’s up with “Moon power”? That phrase usually appeaers in conjunction with “ni nare” in the Japanese version. I’m sorry. I just don’t get that. And, finally, Sailormoon is not high tech. Mercury, with her visor and computer, is the “high-tech” one. Moon just waves her wand around and the bad guys go away. >.>;; And “secret locket”? It’s not like she hides it. She wears her locket on every single school uniform.

Did who ever wrote this even WATCH the show?

Posted in general
September 14th, 2002 | No Comments »

Lookie!! It’s the {{link Magical Personality Quiz!}} Here are my results:

**Your Q Score is: 9**
The Q score ideally should be as small as possible, indicating maximum agreement among elements. However, even a tiny Q score may not mean optimal functioning, since all four elements may in fact be relatively undeveloped.

Q? What? Q only brings to mind Q from \Star Trek\. I didn’t bother to read the site fully, as you can see. ^^;;

**Your Primary Mythical Creature**

Air Types
The main strength of the Air types is intellect. The second element indicates the most probable focus for this intellectual activity.

No comments so far…. (from this point on, comments will be enclosed in [brackets].

Air with Water

Astrologically associated with Gemini [how DID THEY KNOW?!] and the Third House

Unicorn [wasn’t there that quiz a while ago that said I was the unicorn? And didn’t that evil quiz say I was Unico?] types are very concerned with the communication of ideas [English anyone?]. They are witty and likeable but can also be quite shy [Sounds OK so far…]. They are easily bored and easily distracted, and may seem unpredictable and superficial for this reason [I seem superficial?! O_O The horror XD]. Actually they are very deep [hear that? I’m deep. Yep.] and are usually trying to find the connections between the people and things around them [Deep. It’s like, reality. It’s like, what’s real, and not real, and unreal, and not ureal, and what has been edited to make the unreal seem real]. They are highly imaginative but not very practical [see above]. They love knowledge for its own sake and are not concerned about putting it to use. They are socially astute and sensitive to others feelings, but may still appear somewhat aloof. They are drawn to grand schemes [of EVIL?!] for unifying people [maybe not ^^;;] but these often dont extend beyond the initial idea. Very logical and rational, Unicorn types are also unconventional and even bizarre [how… unusual]. Other people may regard them as fey [?!] or just strange.

Brought to you by XD

Posted in general
September 14th, 2002 | No Comments »

School stinks.

I can’t stand physics, for one thing. >.>;; And it’s only SL. Who was I listening to??? Math is pretty easy ^^ (Luckily. None of my other subjects are.) English is welll… boring. But we have so many essays and stuff due this year…. History has not been taxing so far but we haven’t had any assignments yet. French is harder than I’d expected. Chem is well…. Chem is not too bad. It’s not Physics but it’s not Math, either. Foods is scary. Too much work in that course -_-;;

I wish I was taking Japanese ;_; I wish I was taking Japanese instead of Physics ;_; At least Japanese is fun, and I LIKE IT.

Or maybe I just don’t like the physics teacher XD

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