Lookie!! It’s the {{link http://www.llewellyn.com/mpq/index.php?tab=intro Magical Personality Quiz!}} Here are my results:
**Your Q Score is: 9**
The Q score ideally should be as small as possible, indicating maximum agreement among elements. However, even a tiny Q score may not mean optimal functioning, since all four elements may in fact be relatively undeveloped.
Q? What? Q only brings to mind Q from \Star Trek\. I didn’t bother to read the site fully, as you can see. ^^;;
**Your Primary Mythical Creature**
Air Types
The main strength of the Air types is intellect. The second element indicates the most probable focus for this intellectual activity.
No comments so far…. (from this point on, comments will be enclosed in [brackets].
Air with Water
Astrologically associated with Gemini [how DID THEY KNOW?!] and the Third House
Unicorn [wasn’t there that quiz a while ago that said I was the unicorn? And didn’t that evil quiz say I was Unico?] types are very concerned with the communication of ideas [English anyone?]. They are witty and likeable but can also be quite shy [Sounds OK so far…]. They are easily bored and easily distracted, and may seem unpredictable and superficial for this reason [I seem superficial?! O_O The horror XD]. Actually they are very deep [hear that? I’m deep. Yep.] and are usually trying to find the connections between the people and things around them [Deep. It’s like, reality. It’s like, what’s real, and not real, and unreal, and not ureal, and what has been edited to make the unreal seem real]. They are highly imaginative but not very practical [see above]. They love knowledge for its own sake and are not concerned about putting it to use. They are socially astute and sensitive to others feelings, but may still appear somewhat aloof. They are drawn to grand schemes [of EVIL?!] for unifying people [maybe not ^^;;] but these often dont extend beyond the initial idea. Very logical and rational, Unicorn types are also unconventional and even bizarre [how… unusual]. Other people may regard them as fey [?!] or just strange.
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