Well, I just applied for a Venus position at {{link http://www.sailormoon.org/}}. Ee, now I’m really nervous. I hope I didn’t make too much of a fool of myself. >.> Erk, and then I accidentally hit “send” and then “reset.” So I was forced to type the whole thing out again. …I’m really nervous. I don’t know why. You’d think that after all the application forms I’ve filled out, this one would be a piece of cake. Not so. -_-;; Every form is different, and looks for different things.
So why do I want to be a Venus senshi anyway? Well, honestly, out of all the staff positions, it sounds the most interesting. Answering people’s emails and putting them on detention. And sending them passwords. I know I’VE done that enough. Not to mention then I get to work with {{link http://www.kleykulele.com/ KLEY!}} 😀 Didn’t put that in the application, though. The other position that I would apply for is Neptune. I love looking at people’s websites. That’s why I hang out in My Site so often. Looking at other people’s websites is cool. *_* But I don’t think there’s been an opening for that in a LOOOONG time. Oh well. Keep your fingers crossed for me! ^_~