October 15th, 2002

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“-3)^2 + i^2). At least, that’s what I think it is >>;;”

Well, after the insane weekend filed with Oedipus and Seabury, I’m feeling a lot better 🙂 Working on the Oedipus project was just BAD; and now everyone will be bored with our presentation. I guess that’s what you get when you realize you have 30 minutes to fill up and then over-fill them >>;; Oops. Anyhoo.

You know, I really made this post with the intention of actually posting SOMETHING. *thinks*

OH! It was about graphing complex numbers. I am still very confused about them, and I also didn’t understand some other stuff on that worksheet… I’m trying to read the textbook, and doubel check online, but I think I end up thinking too much, and then I overcomplicate things. >>;; Like how I forgot the fact that absolute value is always a positive number (which my calculator showed me but which I thought had to be dreadfully, horribly wrong.) Hmm. So what is the graph of |-3 + i| ? It would be represented by an arrow and not a point: I think I read that the only complex number that is shown as a point is 0 + 0i. Well, it’s going to be postive. And the graph should be displaced. I think I’ll figure that out later.

–snipped in a later installation, JUST BECAUSE I CAN–

Try reading THAT at 8pt font! Only if you have Japanese encoding, however :D:D:D:D

**EDIT** Okay, so maybe it doesn’t have a graph, just one of those vector thingys >>;; But I learned that |-3 + i| is defined as sqrt ((-3)^2 + i^2). At least, that’s what I think it is >>;;

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