October 21st, 2002


You know something’s a little wrong when Physics suddenly begins to make sense, and you actually like rearranging the equations to get the desired result >>;; Of course, it’s good that stuff makes sense. What’s bad is that I actually enjoy it. XD

I am also beginning to slowly get the gist of logs. Slowly. And now I understand what e is. It’s some calculus thing with slope 1 or something like that…. it’s in between 2 and 3, anyway. But! I also understand now that natural logs aren’t antilogs or anything like that (although I still have to figure out what the heck an antilog is >>;;) it’s just a log with base e. :DDDD This is good.

Now, to finish off that test/worksheet thingy.

I’d really rather not talk about today. -_-;; It was very…. bad. Although we got apples in New Shoots! 😀 yay for food!

This entry was posted on Monday, October 21st, 2002 at 10:06 pm and is filed under general. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

2 Responses to “Stuff-ness and the fact that my brain is overflowing with math right now.”

Christina Says:

I know what you mean about Physics, I’m in College, and back in high school, Physics was nice. Now it’s insane because of ALL these equations you have to know for each thing, like Force, Torque, Motion, Acceleration, etc. It’s enough to make you pop, and unlike you, I don’t enjoy it. 😛

Don’t worry about Calculus, I finally got e too back in Calc 1. Just remember, when you take the derivative or anti-derivative of e to the x power, use the chain rule, it would be e to the x TIMES whatever x’s derivative is. Like if you have e to the 4x squared, then the derivative would be e to the 4x squared times 8x. Piece of cake….sorry, just wanted to help a bit…it’s good you are getting Logs though, do you also mean Ln (natural log)?

gemtiger Says:

I’m actually not in Calculus yet ^^;; I was trying to figure out Ln and I kept running into this "e" number. So I did a bit more digging to find out what the heck it actually was.

Argh, Physics in uni sounds absolutely horrible. Thanks for the heads-up ^_^