You know something’s a little wrong when Physics suddenly begins to make sense, and you actually like rearranging the equations to get the desired result >>;; Of course, it’s good that stuff makes sense. What’s bad is that I actually enjoy it. XD
I am also beginning to slowly get the gist of logs. Slowly. And now I understand what e is. It’s some calculus thing with slope 1 or something like that…. it’s in between 2 and 3, anyway. But! I also understand now that natural logs aren’t antilogs or anything like that (although I still have to figure out what the heck an antilog is >>;;) it’s just a log with base e. :DDDD This is good.
Now, to finish off that test/worksheet thingy.
I’d really rather not talk about today. -_-;; It was very…. bad. Although we got apples in New Shoots! 😀 yay for food!