January 12th, 2013

Today on the tram someone actually talked to me. Usually these things don’t last long because I don’t give them much in return (it’s quite easy to ignore people when you have no idea what they’re saying to you.)

After some halting small talk in German (did you make that cake? where are you from? why did you come to this city?) we started talking about polylactide, of all things. Anyway, we then started talking about our consumerist society, and he directed me to a German documentary called Kaufen für die Müllhalde.

Ah, but you understand some German, ja?
Uh, a little…

Luckily, since it was originally a Spanish-French production, a French version (Prêt-à-jeter) is also available! I might actually get around to watching this, unlike the pile of movies I have sitting on my bookshelf at home.

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