November 22nd, 2002

Look, I finally got a layout done ahead of time XD

Yes, this layout stars the swirly-eyed samurai (I really can’t get over that description) Himura Kenshin. ^_^ We’re getting into winter (okay, well, maybe not today, I don’t remember, although I think it was quite nice out today O-o;)

Coding was actually more of a pain that making the graphics. Not that I actually did that much to this picture XD It was cropped and then I stuck a few brushes on (didn’t want to overdo it the first time.) But then we get into coding it onto Greymatter and since I actually decided to do something a little different with the comments this time, I uh… got a little lost, shall we say.

Anyway. Had to get rid of the Escaflowne one, it was getting on my nerves ><

This entry was posted on Friday, November 22nd, 2002 at 10:44 pm and is filed under general. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

One Response to “Finally.”

Ashar Says:

Hehe, well I really like it a lot! Yes, I confess to liking an anime layout–shhh! Anyway, you did a great job on it. 😀