May 23rd, 2002

Yay for Sarah’s new {{linkmo blog|Amora Song}}!! Blogs are cool and now Sarah has one and I need to add her onto my links list. Surprisingly, this layout didn’t take so long. Maybe I skimped a little on the CSS. Or maybe it’s just the simplicity. {{link}} is pretty neat too. ^_~ Thanks {{link Merc-chan}}!!

I don’t suppose Sam wants a blog too….

This entry was posted on Thursday, May 23rd, 2002 at 8:57 pm and is filed under general. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

One Response to “Amora Song”

genieve Says:

hey!!can u kindly send me a song of Refraction!?please!!?:cool:
ok bye!its very important bcause it my project.:biggrin:send it in my email pls.