Guess who turned up at my door today?
My old friend from elementary school, James, whom I haven’t seen for SUCH a long time (even though he only lives half a block away–go figure.) Eh heh heh heh…. I didn’t recognize him at first. But I did recognize his voice. Which is what happens with most people anyway. And it’s quite weird, since I have been thinking about my old elementary school friends lately. In any case, the reason he was at my house was to tell me about the CD “reunion” that is allegedly taking place this Saturday *_* Very cool. I haven’t seen those people for YEARS. I wonder who’s going?
Okay, now I feel old. I’m going to an elementary school reunion? How sad. But I mean, we’re all going to be graduating soon, and it would be really nice to see everyone again and chat… although I do wonder who I’m supposed to tell :-\ I need to phone him for more details, but he had some kind of prom thing going on tonight XD
And you know what? Physics STINKS! >:C