“Iris” … “Vector” … “Onaji hoshi ni umare futaridakara” … “A Thousand Miles” … “Pray.”
Yep, that’s how it goes *giggle* Oh yes, this is officially a riddle XDDD Just to entertain my friends, yo. And drive them nuts! ^_^ Squirrels like nuts. (You might want me to elaborate on this *hinthint*)
Today, Stage Crew was rather pointless, as everyone left early… -_-;; BAH. You know, I’m really worried. The plays are in two weeks and we have ONE load of white laundry and ONE load of pink. We need four of each -_-;; Plus we still need EIGHT squeegies. Not fun X_X;;
I do find it rather sad that such a good team as the Senators may simply be packed up and moved away. Ice hockey essentially represents Canada; to be without a team in our country captial (therefore the capital of ice hockey) is nothing short of disgraceful. While I am very confident that some measure will be found to keep the team in Ottawa, apprehension still lingers in the back of my mind…
Do you guys want hints? Or should I just leave you to guess wildly? XDDDD