Random Anime Birthday: Widoshiku/Akira Onishi (Time Stranger Kyoko)
-_-;; The one year anniversary of this little blog is coming up soon! February… something. I think my first pitas entry is the 5th, but that’s because I deleted my VERY first one (on the 3rd.) So I should have a layout change around then. Which means I have to work on it now. I already have a picture in mind, I just need to know what to do with it. ^_^
Stagecrew yesterday was fun because we actually did WORK! (Yes, I know it’s shocking.) Well, okay, we didn’t do work for the first part. I was supervising Gary and Eric as they wrote an article for the Big Bang (you can read it on Tuesday. ^_^) Then I spent the next hour in the green room pretending to work on props but actually talking to Gary. We found Eric sometme later and started moving things around and painting. (Outside. It got chilly at 6:00.) We became frustrated when we couldn’t make the black any darker (don’t ask.) We moved everything back inside, and then everyone chipped in a little bit so that Eric could go to Oakridge and buy us food (we were asking everyone to bring us food. How shocking when they actually did.) Two of us left early to go see a play >>; So we weren’t left with too many people. However, may others came to fill their place (very unusual.) However, by this time Gary and I had to leave.
Photocopying for BBSJ today was okay. But why do I always get there earlier before everyone else?
And why do the people running the food stand never give me free food?