January 20th, 2003

Random Anime Birthday: Seika Mori (Gun Parade March)

And so the long march back to school begins. >.O I am really starting to dislike school. I’m always tired. -_-; Winter Break needs to be longer…. say… a year or so XD

Physics is making me lazy with sig figs. Honestly. You should have seen how out teacher dealt with the SF’s in the problem last class… he didn’t. I raised a point about the answer only having one sig fig, and he said, “Well, let’s not worry about sig figs.” ARGH! How annoying! Moving on…

Stagecrew was disorganized, as always. Not only did I not have the slightest clue what was going on, the head changed his mind about seven times X_x; Oi. I didn’t get home until close to 7. *sigh* And he wanted me to stay even longer. -_-; Times like this I wish I had a car and could drive. But then I think about how scary driving is and what a terror I would be on the road XD

I borrowed what should prove to be very interesting books from the library yesterday: Does God Play Dice? and Nihongo: in defense of the language. Does God Play Dice? isn’t a religious book at all (thank heavens — pardon the pun). It’s about the mathematics of chaos. I’ve always found chaos interesting. The idea that true randomness exists, that everything is left to chance, rather than being predetermined. We’re talking TRUE randomness. We’re not talking about thinking “Why did she just say that?” when you know there is an underlying cause. We’re talking iterations of 2(x^2) – 1. I guess a part of me is just attracted to the unknown, the fact that nothing can be known for certain.

But in chaos there is order, and in order there is chaos; the two are not polar opposites but more interrelated than we can comprehend…

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