February 8th, 2003

Random Anime Birthday: Yaten Kou (Sailor Moon)

I can skate! Kinda 😛

Yes, well, Sam dragged me off to the ice rink today. I hadn’t been skating since er… sometime last year. I skate about once a year. X_x; Anyway, it was fun! I only fell once! XD That’s more than I do in an entire day of curling. The little kids annoyed me though. See, I can’t avoid people (or stop. or skate, for that matter) and they can’t seem to avoid me. I had a few close calls -_-;

Eating ice milk after skating on an outdoor patio is fun; but it takes all the fun out of it once you people turn on the heat, yo! -_-;

On a more musical note, “Pure Snow” by Yuko Sasaki’s a pretty good song. ^_^ So’s “Graduation,” actually. (Everytime I see the word “graduation” I’m reminded of SPEED’s “my graduation.” Which annoys me slightly.)

It is a little scary to think that I’ll be writing mock exams in a year; and in a year and a half, I will be graduating from high school. And who knows where I’ll go after that. –;; *needs to get act together* *probably needs to talk to counselor too*

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