Random Anime Birthday: Naozumi Kamura (Kodomo no Omocha)
I have m-flo’s “Prism” stuck in my head. Argh.
*bounces around* I need more Yuko Sasaki music. I’ve decided that “Go a Long Way Around” is better then “Pure Snow” which in turn is better than “Graduation.” “Gyutto Zutto”‘s not bad either. *boing boing boing*
All this bouncing reminds me of how my math teacher said that a ginat bunny could interrupt the endless line of gingerbread men on the Mandelbrot sequence. I like bunnies. *boing boing boing*
In other news… I’ve applied for another fanlisting. They seem pretty simple to maintain, and if I plan my frames correctly, they won’t be a hassle should I need to change the layout, either. *is waiting for a reply anxiously* I know one of the categories is being sorted out. Guess I should trundle off and find some good pics of Ms. Sakamoto.