February 11th, 2003

Random Anime Birthday: Kaho Mizuki (Card Captor Sakura)

Kaho’s cool *_* I like her. Plus, she’s a good archer *nodnod*

One of my fanlistings has been accepted, and I hope to have it up this weekend. *^^* (Layout is possibly posing a problem. I’ll deal with it -_-;) Meanwhile, I’ve finally managed to find some good Maaya Sakamoto pics *nodnod* I will have lots of links for that fanlisting (assuming it’s accepted and I’m the first one to ask for it ^^)

I’m slacking again. A most dangerous proposition.

I actually did really well on my physics test (90%! yay ! ^o^) I made a silly mistake about extension and springs and stuff. ^^;; Still. It’s all good.

This server is **weird**. I am never online at 6:00 am in the morning. And if I’m am, it’s because I urgently need to check my email. I’m not blogging at 6:00 in the morning! (That’d just be… stupid. I have school, yo!)

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