February 18th, 2003

Random Anime Birthday: Hikari Horaki (Evangelion)

Taking a little break from homework, yo 😉

Anyway, this is rather amusing. I’ll summarize it (ie, blantantly rip it off) here:

Girls require time and money.

girls = time x money

Time is money.

girls = money x money

Money is the root of all evil.

Money = root(evil)


girls = root(evil) x root(evil)

girls = evil


I went to BeliefNet for some odd reason; although I’m not religious I tend to be attracted to these sorts of things… anyway, I took their quiz:

Spiritual Straddler : One foot in traditional religion, one foot in free-form spirituality

Er, righto. Considering I have no formal religion to speak of O_O

Je dois recommencer écrire mes journaux de français. A bientôt!

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