March 6th, 2003

Random Anime Birthday: Michiru Kaioh / Sailorneptune (Sailormoon)

I lied. That proper post won’t come until I have the new layout up. ^_^ Which should be soon.

**[edit]** Okay, the new layout is here! And I still have to do homework! So I am procrastiniating my REAL post yet AGAIN XD **[/edit]**

Many apologies to {{link you}}, {{link you guys}}, and {{link you guys}}, too. ><;; Forgive me!

This entry was posted on Thursday, March 6th, 2003 at 6:04 pm and is filed under general. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

One Response to “It’s coming… it’s here!”

mae Says:

very cool layout! very pretty! 😀