March 9th, 2003

Random Anime Birthday: Tenten (Naruto)

Okay, this is probably going to be a long one ^_^

First of all, I’m terribly sorry, {{link dear}}. I should be writing your letter, but I’ve got that stupid Physics thing to worry about *hugs* Soon, I promise!

Secondly, thank you **EVERYONE** for the lovely comments! Even people that I don’t know are droppping by! ^_^ It makes me very happy that all of you like my layout *nodnod*

Thirdly, how do I explain my long absence? Easy. School.

History: I had an exam on Monday. All multiple choice, but it was still tricky. Darn those sneaky scantron forms! XD

TOK: Two presentations: One group, and one Socrates Cafe. Luckily, everyone did their fair share of work on each one. I mean to say that I didn’t have to do all the work. And we got a great mark on our group presentation! I got to (pretend to) smash windows while saying “I really think we are sending a strong message of peace, hope, and properity!” 😀 That was the best! The SC went okay, I guess… but not as fun.

Chemistry: was pretty easy, actually. I don’t think I had any major… anythings. But! We had two very strange, very weird subs. Our class seems interested in learning only when our regular teacher is around.

French: Blah! J’ai fini mes journaux mais maintenant nous devons les recommencer. Et je les deteste! Mais la semaine etait assez facile.

Physics: Okay, I had to do this stupid Physics report, turn it in to an anti-plagarism site, and then I find out I didn’t have to turn it in until Tuesday. ~_~ Wonderful.

English: Blah. I had to do a presentation on magic realism which was actually EXTREMELY difficult since everyone everywhere repeats the same sentence. So I take up time by reading samples >:D

Foods: Oh, come on, I mean, it’s FOODS. Oh, I had a test >:D Didn’t study until ten minutes before class. I only had trouble with one part of a question.

Math: First, I have a take-home test (which is really designed to boost everyone’s mark since a LOT of people failed the last test with single digits [I got double, but still failed -_-;]). That wasn’t so bad, even if it WAS rotated conics. Then, we have a “surprise quiz” which everyone knew about, and which I tried to study for. I got tutored at lunch 🙂 If I hadn’t, I would have failed. As it turns out, I think I got perfect O_o;;

And in terms of extra curriculars? Amnesty is disintegrating as we speak, the BB just has too many people at the meetings, Reach apparently has gone kaput, New Shoots is over, curling is over, and I’m not in the Spring Show. So…. I have free time! Joy!

Aaaaand…. in terms of site work, not so good. Still have layout block.

On the other hand, I have Direct Connect now and am trying to download stuff. Unfortunately, it’s incredibly slow for me. ~_~ Hard-to-find mp3’s, yes. Stuff I could find else where but am too lazy too look for? I’ll look, thank you very much. I finally have the full version of SPEED’s “My Graduation.” Fun stuff 😀 Good to turn up nice and LOUD!

Is there anything else I’d like to rant about? No, not really, I suppose ^^;;

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