March 14th, 2003

Random Anime Birthday: Wakaba Shinohara (Revolutionary Girl Utena)

Finally @_@

Spring Break is here!

I’ve been waiting for this for so long!

I still have a huge list of things to do:

*History Civil War Battle chronology
*TOK essay >>;;
*French journals (shh!)
*Physics presentation
*Re-read \The Lost Steps\ and \Chronicle of a Death Foretold\
*Foods project >>;;
*Math – review (we’re into calculus now. And I FINALLY understand what e is.)
*New layout for collective
*New layout for Serenity shrine
*Get Maaya Sakamoto fanlisting up (this includes layout)
*start coding BBSJ website
*go to the aquarium with friends
*go to a birthday celebration
*meet someone for sushi >>;;
*get trading card game up
*work on top-secret project
*Amnesty ><;;
*read \The House of the Spirits\
*go watch \Tears of the Sun\
*re-read Japanese notes for my own personal benefit ^_^
*come up with a World Lit topic!
*come up with page references for the stupid English project!
*come up with an EE topic!
*come up with Group 4 ideas!

A lot. >>;; An awful lot.

Ah, hopefully I’ll be able to handle it all.

Darn, this is sounding less like a vacation and more like a…. “slinky rupture.”

This entry was posted on Friday, March 14th, 2003 at 10:22 pm and is filed under general. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

2 Responses to “Spring Break….!”

Jessica Says:

Wow, that is one HELL of a list! o.O I also do one of those at the beginning of vaca but I never manage to do everything, lol… *grins* Good luck, dearest!

Ashar Says:

Dang, girl, you’re ambitious! I could manage to get like…three of those things done over a Spring Break. 😛