Random Anime Birthday: Meiling Li (Card Captor Sakura)
Stolen from Neale who stole it from Vicks who stole it from Sarah @_@
Have you ever…
{x} Fallen for your best friend? No.
{x} Been rejected? Uh… yeah. I think.
{x} Been in love? Define “love.”
{x} Used someone? I try ;_; Just kidding ^_~
{x} Been used? Yeah, I think so. I’m pretty sure.
{x} Cheated on someone? Nope.
{x} Been cheated on? Nope.
{x} Done something you regret? Yes. This means I can’t be a unicorn! v_v;
Who was the last person…
{x} You touched? I don’t remember. O_o. Possibly Vicks.
{x} You talked to? My brother. I yelled at him to get off the computer.
{x} You hugged? Beibei.
{x} You instant messaged? *thinks* I don’t IM people. They IM me.
{x} You kissed? My grandma, I think. >.O
{x} You yelled at? I yell at people behind their backs. Ben.
{x} You laughed with? With or at? O-o. My mom.
Have you/are you/do you…
{x} Considered a life of crime? Yes. Stagecrew led me to it v_v;
{x} Anxiety? Non sequitur. -_-;
{x} Open-minded: I can’t stand those intolerant people.
{x} Smart: People tell me I am. I think I just know random scholarly things which make me look smart.
{x} Childish: Well, DUH!
{x} Hard working: I’m an IB student. You figure it out. (Hint: The answer begins with “n” and ends with “o.”)
{x} Difficult: Very much so.
{x} Thirsty: Yeah, those chips are SALTY. >P
{x} Trusting: No. Not really.
{x} Color your hair? Never!
{x} Have tattoos? No.
{x} Piercings? No v_v;
{x} Have a boyfriend? No.
{x} Sprechen sie deutsche? Ich spreche Deutsch nicht.
{x} Habla espanol? No hablo espanol ^_~
{x} Current Hair: Poofy. >>;;
{x} Current Smell: … meaning exactly what?
{x} Current thing you ought to be doing: French, Chem, and History >.O
{x} Current Desktop Picture: Tidus and Yuna *_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*
{x} Current Book: It’s not really a book. Clover volume 3. *_*_*_*_*_*_*_*
{x} Current Worry: EE, World Lit, ah…. all those things I put on a list sometime ago.
{x} Current Crush: Those who know, know. Those who don’t… ah, well… ^_~
On preferences…
{x} MacDonalds or Burger King? Burger King.
{x} Marry the perfect lover or the perfect friend? Hrm.
{x} Sweet or sour? Sweet. @_@
{x} Root beer or Dr. Pepper? Both 🙂
{x} Ocean or Pool? Pool. Whee! Chlorine!
{x} Winter/Summer/Fall/Spring? Spring.
{x} Vanilla or Chocolate? Chokoreito O_O
{x} Eyes open or closed? Oh, none of you really understood this question, did you? Closed.
{x} Fly or breathe under water? Fly. Once again to fly with silver wings…
What’s your favorite:
{x} Color? Blue. ^_~
{x} Holiday? My birthday. Which should be made into a national holiday XDDD
{x} Place? A grassy field with my friends. ‘Cause grassy fields are chock-full of fun!
{x} Time? Early morning. Although I’m never up during that time.
{x} Flower? Lilies.
{x} Scent? That Satsuma bath stuff I got for Christmas *_*_*_*_*_*
Maybe a half-decent entry now? >.O
The return to school has been rather blah. I mean, it’s good to seee everyone again but I’d really rather be at home doing what I like.
I shall return to post more later. Homework beckons *sigh*