Random Anime Birthday: Ataru Moroboshi (Urusei Yatsura)
I haven’t blogged in ages. *looks at date* Uh, for about two weeks. And I owe people an explanation for my disappearance online.
The simple answer is that I am just unable to keep up with everything >.O I’m sorry to have to say this, but my school work comes before anything online. I’m approaching that point in IB life where everything starts to go downhill. I’m becomingly increasingly concerned that my site work will interfere with my school work. I’m already behind on applications for my trading card game and my fanlistings. >.O (Which is why I’m updating them tonight WHILE studying for Chem ><;; I found the syllabus online [I left mine at schoo.]) {{link http://bloggie.thorned.nu/ Jessica}}, dearest, you’ve been very patient with me already, thanks so much 🙂 This isn’t anything personal, I assure you. >.O I’ve been ignoring everything equally. The extra long email will be arriving in your inbox soon.
(Hoo boy. The Hotmail account has reached its size limit *sigh*)
Uh… where was I….
*here begins the long rambling post of what I’ve been up to and various complaints about schoolwork*
Last week was fun, actually; I took part in a Reach for the Top (trivia! Whee!) tournament. (I’m going to be on TV~! XDDDD) It went pretty well, overall. We took second (losing to a crazy good team O_O;) and I am now in the possession of a shiny silver medal. I hope my math teacher doesn’t watch, though. ^^; I messed up on so many of those math questions >.O Apparently I was shaking during the first game. But everyone else was shaking during the last game. XDDDD There was a scoring scandal, too. At least, that’s what I call it. We were almost cheated out of a 110-point lead.
Um.. other eventful events… *thinks*
I had a Pro-D day last week. I spent it writing an absolutely evil paper which made zero sense. Oh, that was not fun. I finished early, but still… and then I was up until 1am the next night working on an English project (for which I was conveniently saddled with the bulk of the work in compliation. I should have let the others present…)
I went to the library’s bookslae yesterday and picked up an edition of Grolier’s Classics (it has Paradise Lost, which I’m quite eager to read) and Crime and Punishment and two other books. I also got Japanese for Busy People Vol. II. I think I qualify as a busy person. My brother picked up six books (including the third HP book — Quelle chance!)