I am **mad**.
I went to check the guestbook for my {{link http://kyuui.nu/~majesty Queen Serenity shrine}} and I found a very tasteless POP-UP ad (adult content). No, this was not the fault of the {{link http://www.alxnet.com/ guestbook company}}. Not at all. This, my friends, was the fault of someone who had nothing better to do than plug her ADULT site on MY guestbook. Needless to say, I’m not impressed. At all. GRR. She even posted TWICE. In less than a week. Luckily the posts were fairly recent, and I’m hoping too many people didn’t see it ><;; Although... you never know. I just don’t understand. What exactly was the point of something like that? No matter what, Sailor Moon is primarily targeted at children. CHILDREN! MINORS! Gosh, I’m so mad I don’t even know what to say. >:C
ARGH. *shakes fist angrily*