I have a very big decision ahead of me.
Remember that Reach thing (the trivia thing, a couple of entries back)? We came in second. We received word yesterday that since another team had dropped out, we were invited.
I know. It’s jaw-dropping. It’s amazing.
Of course, there’s a catch or two. A $600 catch ><;; I know it’s a lot of money. And I know I’ll need that money next year, too. I feel bad for ditching the team, though. I feel bad, especially, for ditching the only other girl we’re sending >>;;
But I can’t go without the consent of my parents. My dad is very enthusiastic about it (“This is a one in a lifetime opputunity! You can’t miss this!) while my mother is very reluctant. (“Do you really want to go? It’s not even school related, is it worth the risk of catching SARS? Why is it such short notice?”)
My dad’s right. This really is one in a lifetime. I don’t think we’ll get this lucky again.
*sigh* I can’t decide. I’d like to go, I think. But I can’t disobey my parents, since they’re footing the bill, after all. I also don’t want to take the place of somebody who REALLY wants to go. But people keep telling me to go… for many reasons… *sigh* We’ll see.
We’ll see.