PUNK ROCK : Like a revived species of nearly extinct salamander, Punk Rock Asian Girls are a rare type, but slowly climbing up to existence again. Your passions are mainly music and anime and you’ve probably dyed your hair some odd color of the rainbrow. And if you haven’t, you probably will. You often feel like you are misunderstood, but don’t worry. Just think about thongs. Very funny.
What Asian Girl Are You?
*screeches* I will never dye my hair some odd colour of the rainbow! !_! Although well done on the anime and music part. xD
I’ve decided to get rid of the tagboard. >>; Possibly temporarily. Besides, I don’t see much point in having a tagboard AND comments _·_; Plus, uh, the tagboard is rather unreadable on this layout. I happen to like my claustrophobia-inducing columns :P) It makes me feel… evil. MWA HA HA HA!!
Goodness, I finished reading the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix last night. (Mind you, I only stayed up until 2:30 >>;) And now I will give my thoughts on various aspects of the book, which will be discussed in the “more” section, because, after all, I don’t want to ruin it for anybody _·_;;
First of all, Rowling created a VERY, VERY hateable character in Umbridge. >:C!! IF anybody ever says “Hem, hem” to me, well… >:C Running around, lording it over the other teachers, trying to fire Trelawney (okay, maybe that wasn’t such a bad thing), trying to fire HAGRID!!, trying to control everything, setting up her little “secret police”… >:C ARGH!
Second of all… I loved Hermione in this book XD In the first ones she tended to be too much of a goody-two-shoes… but it seems she’s learned there’s a time and place to break rules. Besides, it was fun when she was explaining to Harry what he’d done wrong regarding Cho… xDDD Poor Harry did seem a bit clueless about it all. Of COURSE you don’t tell your date you’ve arranged to meet another girl on Valentine’s Day *rolls eyes* Sheesh.
And then, of course…. the DEATH. I can’t believe he’s dead. I just… can’t. ??;; He gets Stunned, he falls through the arch, and he DIES?! Tell me something, how does that work? T_T I found it almost … anti-climatic. So there’s this huge battle going on, and he DIES by falling through some freaky arch? >>; T_T But how could he take a risk like that? T_T HOW? T_T