July 14th, 2003

Who knew JavaScript could give me such headaches?

I muddled my way through this script by trying to add a little addition so that when ‘time’ was greater than or equal to 2 and less than or equal to 28, it would print one thing and if it wasn’t, it would print something else >.O So I try to use a variety of if/else statements, all of which end up crashing the script horribly and result in me looking at the monitor, slightly puzzled. This is exactly why I shouldn’t have taken Comp. Sci. I can’t even get my head around JavaScript!! T_T

I did figure it out, though. *muttermutter* Who needs if/else if all you really need if a coupla if statements? *muttermutter*

Oh the life of a webmistress trying to maintain four or five joinable sites _-_;; I easily spent an hour or two updating all my fanlistings. I’d been letting the emails pile up >>; Hmmmph. It is not a pretty site when you go to check your email and realize there are 45 unread messages and several more that you’d flagged earlier >.O >.O >.O Triple oi.

Not to mention I’ve been earning eight cents a day on a French site to support a message board >>; It’s all so horribly, horribly rigged T_T

This entry was posted on Monday, July 14th, 2003 at 10:45 pm and is filed under general. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

2 Responses to “Ouch.”

elie Says:

Yup, javascript is sometimes hard to understand~!

Serenity Says:

Ack, I hate javascript! Except it can do cool stuff. XD

Nice layout btw! ^^;