I got into an argument today about Canada vs. America. I am ashamed to say that I could not defend my country :'( I still wouldn’t want to live in the U.S.A., though. No offense to any Americans, I’m sure most of you are very nice people ^_^ Not all, though, since this guy is one of the biggest jerks I have ever met. So I can’t make a generalization like that. Anyway, all generalizations are false. (Yeah. Try and figure THAT one out.)
Back to the topic at hand… I don’t fancy another argument with this guy where he does all the talking. So I’d appreciate it if someone could give me some good arguments to hurl at him. >:D Other than that the US didn’t pay their UN fees for a very very long time (he shot that down) and that Americans are not the most popular people around the world (which was also shot down because he’s the son of a diplomat so he’s better-travelled than I am.)
Erk, and darn it Detroit why did you have to win? Go ‘Canes go… (I can’t believe I’m saying this…)