May 31st, 2002

I got into an argument today about Canada vs. America. I am ashamed to say that I could not defend my country :'( I still wouldn’t want to live in the U.S.A., though. No offense to any Americans, I’m sure most of you are very nice people ^_^ Not all, though, since this guy is one of the biggest jerks I have ever met. So I can’t make a generalization like that. Anyway, all generalizations are false. (Yeah. Try and figure THAT one out.)

Back to the topic at hand… I don’t fancy another argument with this guy where he does all the talking. So I’d appreciate it if someone could give me some good arguments to hurl at him. >:D Other than that the US didn’t pay their UN fees for a very very long time (he shot that down) and that Americans are not the most popular people around the world (which was also shot down because he’s the son of a diplomat so he’s better-travelled than I am.)

Erk, and darn it Detroit why did you have to win? Go ‘Canes go… (I can’t believe I’m saying this…)

This entry was posted on Friday, May 31st, 2002 at 7:38 pm and is filed under general. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

2 Responses to “America”

Neale Says:

It might be your best bet at this point to use the Fist of Death on this conversaton by pointing out that as underage, non-tax paying non-voting people who are only citizens because of where they live, neither of you can reasonably take credit or blame for anything done by either of your countries.
I say this because me and Llowyn had a similiar conversation.
-Knealy Beans (or whatever…)

Kley Says:

I find that Anti-America conversations taking place with an American aren’t really the best of conversations to get started ^^;;;. I say this because we are rather arrogant and very defensive about how wonderful we think our country is.

It’s all well and good to love your own country and not like someone else’s, but I like to think that we can all respect one another on some levels. Yes, I am American >.>;;. No, I don’t hate Canadians. In fact, I wouldn’t mind living in Canada, if the USA and Australia didn’t exist ^^;;.

I don’t have any good arguements for you though…you could always tell your bastardly advarsary to shut the hell up :D.

And go Canes. *diesdiesdies*