October 3rd, 2003

Hrm, {{link http://www.pioneerproject.net/ Reina}} said that she was hungry for some gossip, so here I go~!

But first I’ll do the Friday Five.

**1. What vehicle do you drive?**
??;; People, I don’t even have a learner’s permit. I’m afraid of drving.

**2. How long have you had it?**
My non-existent vehicle? A total of 17.4 years.

**3. What is the coolest feature on your vehicle?**
It’s automagically invisible!

**4. What is the most annoying thing about your vehicle?**
It only has room for one person: me.

**5. If money were no object, what vehicle would you be driving right now?**
I don’t know much about cars. ._. A Ferrari?

Oh, St. George’s won their Smart Ask game 😀 (Not that there was any doubt, of course.) Fun stuff, fun stuff, I have half a mind to phone Stephen to congratulate him but um well…. ??;;

Um, right, lessee… in terms of school these weeks are going to be really, really bad. There’s so much work!

For one thing, this week I had the abysmal thing known as a philosophical presentation about MATHEMATICS. Oh dear. That was just… bad. The problems started last week, when only three out of the five members showed up for a meeting. Then… we didn’t have a real meeting until Wednesday, two days before the presentation. We had books and things, but… we had no idea what we were going to cover. Basically, we did all our work on Thursday, and I was at my friend’s house until 9:00pm (luckily her parents were pretty cool about it and didn’t object to us taking over the den with my assorted scribbles–I’m the kind of person who needs to record [write] things down.) Like all schoolwork, the work was anything from being shared fairly. Our two absentee members last week did, as I had expected, the least work. ??;; I am never going to work with those people again if I can help it. On the one hand, we had binary cookies! ^^ Go us! The presenation itself… well… what we presented was… bad -_-;; However, things picked up with our activity and discussion. Oh well ~_~ Whaddya gonna do? I wasn’t about to do all the work.


*wanders off to do various Physics-related things*

This entry was posted on Friday, October 3rd, 2003 at 7:45 pm and is filed under general. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

One Response to “Gossip xD for Reina”

Bobby Says:

who are these absentee members?