*harumph* Suspicions were confirmed, I was right, why did I ever believe you in the first place, it seemed right, why did I doubt myself, does it really matter, and who really cares anyway?
Right. So for all of you who DON’T want a cryptic entry: I didn’t get to 3500 words. I got to 3000. My computer didn’t want to read the stupid disk, which basically means that I just lost 3 hours of “work” on my EE. Those were 400 words I was very proud of. Now I had to revert back to my ultra-horrendous draft and… Oi >.O That was really, really not fun. Non-existent transitions, ARGH! I want to try to email the file to myself (saved it on the network at school) and get some of those words back. Because some of them were gold! PURE GOLD! (pure fools’ gold ??;;)
The presentation today was OK. I wasn’t completely satisfied with it but then I never am when it comes to presentations. Although I know have more info about Platonism than I’ll ever care about in my entire life >.O Anyone want a crash course?