December 31st, 2003

And the end of 2003 draws closer by the hour (yes, look, I *can* take the prize for “Obvious Statement for the Day” from Legolas. XP~)

2003 was when the drudgery of IB really kicked in. First term of Year 1 wasn’t bad. Really. I can’t remember any major panic spells. Well… maybe the history seminar. And the first Socrates Cafe we had to do… But other than that… it was good. Life was good. 🙂 Except for that whole stagecrew thing, which stressed me out too much.

And then Group 4 came along and I just snapped. It was just too much >>; With Toronto and everything? Bleh. XP Speaking of which, Toronto *is* a nice city. I missed seeing the sky though xD And the trips were fun. Both of the them. The latter more so than the former, since it was paid for and more or less free.

Summer was good. Relaxing and volunteering at Bard… it was good. Easy to fall into the IB routine once you got the hang of it.

I came into 2003 stressed out and scared and really really really confused. I waltz into 2004 relaxed and a tad apprehensive but a stronger person emotionally. Thank you everyone, for your words (the kind and not-so-kind ones), your wisdom, and your energy ^_^

So what have I learned from 2003?

Failing is relative only in Math HL.
Don’t sit too close to teachers who have metre sticks.
Nobody knows what reality is.
Maybe everything is inevitable.
Japanese music is much better than Chinese music.
CD burners are great.
Friends will never abandon you.
Sometimes you just need to have faith.
It’s good to let loose once in a while.
It’s good to take a chance once in a while.
Sometimes there’s nothing you can do but cry.
Entering random contests helps if it can get you a free mp3 player.

And most importantly…
Everything that has a beginning has an end.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, December 31st, 2003 at 1:45 pm and is filed under general. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

6 Responses to “New Year’s Eve reflections”

Sarah Says:

Aww … so very touching. *sniff*

Morpheus Says:

This day holds for each and every one of us, the very meaning of our lives.

Agent Smith Says:

Do you hear that, Mr. Anderson? That is the sound of inevitability.

Sami Says:

Don’t forget…another thing you learned…THERE IS NO SPOON!!!

Tom Ridge Says:

This blog has been approved by the Department of Homeland Security. No hidden messages to terrorists are contained within.

Commander in Chief of Fatherland Says:

Each tag has been examined and analyzed by a team of terrorism experts to insure that it gives neither aid nor comfort to the Enemy.