January 7th, 2004

Alright, so today in TOK we “figured out who we really are.”


Basically we did the Riso-Hudson Type Indicator test. I am both type 4 and 6. >>;

Being the naturally curious Cat that I am, I go online to find out more about myself. *cough*

Here are selected statements about my supposed personality and my responses. Or affirmations. Or rebuttals.

See? That’s a 6 trait. Can’t make up my own mind.

**Warning:** This is going to be a long, introspective entry. I should be studying for math (that’s the procrastinator kicking in! And the 4, who wants to work through feelings first D:) Most likely if you don’t know me well, you won’t be interested in my self-absorption. (And cue the feelings of shame for being self-absorbed and displaying it publicly!)

**TYPE FOUR — The Tragic Romantic**

(Four is the DEATH number! Waaai!)

“Give me plenty of compliments. They mean a lot to me.”
>> Yeah, until I suspect you of being insincere and start acting cold.

“Respect me for my special gifts of intuition and vision.”
>> Which is why I’m always the last to know things (too self-absorbed, I guess–haven’t figured myself out yet; how the heck do you think I can handle YOU?!) and why I have these things in front of my eyes.

“Don’t tell me I’m too sensitive or that I’m overreacting!”
>> Please, please, don’t–you’ll send me into fits.

“I like being able to easily pick up the feelings of people around me.”
>> See above comment.

“Life is difficult because of my feelings of self-hatred and shame and believing I don’t deserve to be loved.”
>> **OW.**

“You are… Seeking Happiness through Pain.”
>> Hrm, ever heard of this IB thing? Pretty masochistic if you ask me <<; “An attraction to the distant and the unavailable. Idealization of the absent lover.”
>> *cough*

“Motto: Something is missing. Others have it. I have been abandoned.”
>> Not so sure about the “others have it” part. Something is \definitely\ missing, though. \Definitely.\ And the “abandoned” part? Erm…

“Recognize the sweetness of melancholy and the ability to help others in pain.”
>> Melancholy does not equal sweetness. I’m not sure how you can equate those two things. I think “bittersweetness” would have been a better choice. Also, Catherine does not help people in pain. I am not a good counsellor. See, when you tell me everything, I have one of two reactions:

1) I empathize way too much and am no help.
2) I turn really distant, unable to relate, and am no help.

“I am very sensitive to being shamed or slighted. It devastates me to be excluded from a gathering or event that acquaintances or friends are attending.”
>> Yeah, so think about that the next time you people don’t invite me to something. Although isn’t everyone like that to a degree?

“Yes, you have always been acceptable and lovable as you are. If there are people who can’t see it, it’s their loss and not your fault. Give to others the love and understanding that you want for yourself.”
>> Yes, thank you Mr. Counsellor. That was just the pep talk I needed to brighten up my day.

**TYPE SIX — The Persecuted Persecutor**

“Don’t judge me for my anxiety.”
>> Just… don’t judge me. It’s easier.

“Gently push me toward new experiences.”
>> Yes! I need to move outta my little sandbox! But gently is the key word. Push me too far and you’ll just get backlash.

“Try not to overreact to my overreacting.”
>> See? Overreacting = me. High-strung = me.

“I like having intellect and wit.”
>> xD I found that funny.

“I like being responsible and hardworking.”
>> ~_~ Don’t know that I’m much of either, actually.

“Life is difficult because of the constant push and pull involved in trying to make up my mind.”
>> Huh, don’t I know it. Uni = major stress. Next layout = fun stress xD

“Suspiciousness of the motives of others, especially authorities.”
>> See very first comment about compliments.

“Sixes want reassurance to overcome doubt. “Will you always love me?” There’s no right answer for this one. A positive response leads to doubt of your sincerity, further assurances are required, and so on.”
>> It’s like “Does this dress make me look fat?” xD

“Tests an argument. Sensitive to the weak spots in any position. The loyal opposition. “Yes, but…” The devil’s advocate. “Let’s consider the other side.””
>> *nodnod* I’ve always been a “Yes, but…” person. I’m unwilling to take a firm stance. ~_~

“Motto: The world is a threatening place. Question authority.”
>> Yeah, the world is threatening, but that’s what happens when you grow up on the Eastside. xD

“Recognize times when thinking replaces action.”
>> I do that all the time. ~_~ And then I miss out on opportunities. It stinks.

“I am anxious about promotions. I want to succeed, but I worry about having serious responsibilities. I am also reluctant to take on a highly visible role where I might be ridiculed or criticized, as I do to my superiors.”
>> Hohoho.

“Yes, make your future happen by doing now what you need to do.”
>> Sounds too much like nagging.


So overall, I think I’m MUCH more 4 than 6 >>; And I’ve taken these things all over the Internet and I’ve practically been every single number except for 2, 7, and 8.


Oh yes, you people probably want the link:
{{link http://www.9types.com/homepage.actual.html}}

This entry was posted on Wednesday, January 7th, 2004 at 8:42 pm and is filed under general. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

4 Responses to “Introspection O_o;”

lain Says:

that’s..a long..LONG entry *falls over* even tho i don’t get..btw, do you go to ib with sarah?!!?!?

Cat Says:

Yes’m, I do indeed.

lain Says:

you know if you post here at your own blog about what i said. .i really have very little chance of reading it, but i was curious about how the rating thing goes..hehe just curious

Bobby Says:

lol, that’s some serious self-awareness you got going there