January 18th, 2004

*sigh* My p-m.net e-mail has been down for DAYS >.O! So, Jess, in answer to your question: I have no idea whether I got it or not, unfortunately. Wai. o_o Cependant, j’ai reA~u ta petite carte 😀 C’est vraiment super !

On the other hand I am slowly increasing my collection of Core of Soul songs >>; Speaking of which, is it legal if I take one or two samples from the band’s official site to put on a fansite? I mean, the band is offering these samples (and they are samples–I think they’re about :45 in length) on their own site… hrm… it’s like free advertising >.>;

Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? is quite honestly the best game ever invented 😀 I love that game. With the cheesy names like “Justin Case” and “Lynn Gweeny” and “V.I.L.E” (Villiains’ International League of Evil), and this educational–but fun!–aspect to it… yes, I have to say it’s one of the best educational games out there. They just don’t make games like they used to. *sigh*

so show me your sunrise
— Core of Soul, “Photosynthesis”

This entry was posted on Sunday, January 18th, 2004 at 11:44 am and is filed under general. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

One Response to “o(>_<)"9'”

Yika Says:

P-N.net is back! XD Some stupid Script and you know how Servers are… @.@ Pissy them. But your email should be working fine now.