June 7th, 2002

You think?! 😀 {{link http://www.youthink.com/}} is a site which my friend {{email michael_s_9@hotmail.com Michael}} introduced me to. I don’t like it. He proclaimed how great and addictive it was. I don’t think so. They have a “journal,” which I find extremely similar to blogging. Except — and I hate to say this — some people that leave comments are quite… erk, how to sugar-coat this… oh well. They’re stupid. I posted about blogs. One asked, “WHAT THE HELL IS A BLOG?” Er, reasonable question, although I would have changed the wording. So I explained “blog” is short for “weblog.” Two posts later, the same person: “What is a blog?” _-_ Someone else called me a moron. Oh yes, what a wonderful online community. At least at {{link http://www.sailormoon.org grep}} they don’t do that sort of thing. Yes, it can be hard to find a niche, but people don’t insult you right off the bat. They might ignore you, but that’s not so bad.

I’m not going back to youthink. I’ll stick to grep, wbg.com, and my SSN forums, thank you. Oh, and let’s not forget Neopets!

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One Response to “Youthink?!”

afaf Says:
