March 18th, 2004

I’m listening to Hacken Lee’s “Tall Girl” (I am probably the only one in the whole world who could translate it like that >.>; I’m told its true title is “The Story of the Six-Foot Tall Girl (Whom I Love).” Er…. I like mine better) right now. It’s a rather interesting song if you don’t think about the lyrics. Except it has weird shooting star sounds in the middle, and that’s just odd. Actually, the whole song is odd. Especially when you listen to the lyrics. Which I’m not going to attempt to translate at all, since it’s really, really odd. And you’ll all start wondering when I started listening to such wacky music.

Spent the afternoon at an oral surgeon’s office, waiting. Consultation, you see.

The danger with any oral surgeon (this is the second one I’ve seen) is that no matter what you’re going to have done, they will introduce the concept of “cosmetic surgery.” See, I’m just in there to correct my bite. (I have underbite.) But noooo! He goes on about these “options” (which I’m really not interested in) such as er… cheekbone augmentation and chin something or the other and para-something (it’s the area next to your nose.) And all through this I’m nodding politely, while I learn such things as “You’ll never have a round face, by the way.” Er… gee. Really? Do you think I’m somehow hoping for a round face? (He was comparing me to my mother, who has a round face.) Sorry, Doc, but I want you to fix my jaws, not mess around with the rest of my face. The best quote, though? “It’s not like plastic surgery. She’ll still look like herself and her friends will still recognize her. It’s just trying to bring a bit more balance to the face. It’s more reconstructive surgery than plastic surgery.” Er, excuse me? Doesn’t the use of the term “reconstructive surgery” make me sound like I’ve been in some kind of freak accident and need this surgery to look like I used to? Doesn’t it imply that there’s something wrong with my face in the first place? Argh. Not to mention those “options” cost a hefty chunk of cash. If I were to get all three, then it’d bring the total up another eight thousand or so. Which is not my idea of careful spending.

Don’t let the rant deceive you, though. This is actually a really nice guy, and he did seem to realize that I’m really not the type of person who would go for this. I blame my mother for stretching the point.

I must say I like him better than my orthodontist, who’s…. arrogant. I may or may not have blogged before about how insulted I was when he was talking down to my mother and me. The oral surgeon wasn’t obviously talking down to us, and I appreciated his willingness to converse with my mother and me as equals rather than as sub-par beings. Even my mother said afterwards he’d done a good job of explaining things. Which he had. He comes off as quite neighbourly, actually. And for the most experienced oral surgeon in the province, he looks rather young. Although he’s been doing this for 14 years. O_o

Looking at the brochures in the waiting room was hilarious, though. Cheekbone augmentation, rhinoplasty, eyebrows… How in the world do you get a “forehead lift”? xD

This entry was posted on Thursday, March 18th, 2004 at 10:05 pm and is filed under general. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

2 Responses to “Hrm. Musings on music and oral surgery.”

Sami Says:

He looks young? Maybe he’s dabbled in a bit of that "reconstructive surgery" stuff.

Winson Says:

Why be you when you can be me? 😮 😮 😮