I hate the first day after the switch to DST. Okay, so today is technically the second day. It didn’t help that I only got 5 hours of sleep, I guess.
I like the daylight. I like it a lot. This is why I hate fall (and to a certain extent, summer), because the days are getting shorter and shorter. But the thing is… I need the sun streaming through the window to wake me up in the morning. And my systems are all messed up now and I won’t start my homework until much later, when it’s dark. O_o; *sigh*
I read somewhere it takes about a day to adjust to an hour of “lost” time. Which is fine, I guess; I’ve lived through this 16 times already; a 17th time won’t kill me. Just add IB on top of everything else, and I guess you get a recipe for disaster. So if I acted sleep-deprived today… I was. >.>;; Some people can function fine on five hours of sleep. I used to be perfectly happy with six myself. Now I’m happy with seven. ~_~ Argh. I need those insomniac tendencies to kick in again! Or those first-night camp sleeping habits. (Don’t sleep at all, or very little, the first night; crash the second.)