April 16th, 2004

Heh, my site has reached 12345 hits. I find that amusing.

Okay, I assume that by now everyone who actually watches American Idol knows who was given the boot last night. But in case there’s someone who DOESN’T….

JPL’s gone! *sniff* He was my favourite. Just because he was so different and he had the coolest personality and was charismatic and dressed up like a banana (yes, I remember the first week. xD) And what exactly is up with the voting public? JPL got the “people’s choice” spot from the wildcard show. Remember who got that last year from the wildcard show? Some guy named Clay Aiken? *rolls eyes* No, I am not that bitter. I really didn’t think JPL would get voted off, though. He wasn’t really singing, but he was doing his thing. And America loves his thing, much to the bewilderment of Simon.

Meh. I think I’m rooting for Latoya now. Or Jasmine. Just get Fantasia away from me. e_e

This entry was posted on Friday, April 16th, 2004 at 10:35 pm and is filed under general. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

6 Responses to “I am a dork.”

Sami Says:

I like Fantasia!

Bobby Says:

man… I’m really outta the loop with this whole American Idol thing

Jess Says:

Ahehe, I’ve never watched American Idol. *ashamed*

Bobby Says:


Kley Says:

OMG I AM SO PISSED >:O!!!!! (as I’m sure you saw in my blog).

I hate Fantasia. HATE HATE HATE her. If she wins I’ll freaking blow a gassket.

I don’t know what to do, I either want Jasmine or Jennifer to win ;-;. How pathetic.

AM Says:

man we lost, that sucks