May 4th, 2004

For those that don’t know, I’m writing exams for the next few weeks. ~_~ As you may appreciate, no, this is not fun in the least =_=

So if I don’t update, ever, that’s my excuse.

Current exam status: 15/15 complete.


This entry was posted on Tuesday, May 4th, 2004 at 8:47 pm and is filed under general. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

7 Responses to “DOOMED!”

Petzee Says:

Poor poor Tiggy! ;_; You have to take exams senior year? At my high school, if a senior had a B+ or higher for both quarter grades, they were exempt from the final. I took no finals my senior year. XD

Dunno if I mentioned it before, but I love your link effects with this layout. Highlighter. Awesome. ^___^

Winson Says:

Do you have the time to explain all these numbered papers? O_o;; (e.g. Paper 1)

Anthony Says:

Tomorrow’s Exam: Mathematics Higher Level. Paper 1.

Cat Says:

Very perceptive, Petzee 😀

Jess Says:

O____O Good luck with your exams, dear. I feel so bad about complaining about my exams when you have tons more than me. Feel free to rant anytime, ok? *huggles* *sends luck vibes*

Indy Says:

if by hourlong you mean 1 hour and 15 minutes

Nell Says:

this new layout’s so niiiiiice!!! really awesome, and good luck on exams!