June 9th, 2002

There are only three school days left and three more days of exams. I need to go take Socials notes. But I’ve been putting it off all weekend, doing other things instead (including reviewing for Math PRACTICE final.)

I’m tired of school and just want to go design webpages. ;_; I need to make a blog for Neale and Michael. I also need to design a collective.

Oh, and everyone, I found out when Michael’s birthday is. ^_______^ Honestly (Michael), if you don’t want us to know, don’t post it on an online profile. X.X I couldn’t believe it was that easy.

Thanks, Michael, referring me to youthink only gave me your birthday. How do you like them apples? >:D

This entry was posted on Sunday, June 9th, 2002 at 3:32 pm and is filed under general. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

2 Responses to “School. Ugh.”

Neale Says:

You know, you don’t need to make me a blog if it’s inconvenient… i can just yell at my dog when I need to rant…

Cat Says:

Honestly, Neale, it’s no big deal. I’ll have it for you soon. It’s just Owlie hasn’t really inspired me. Anyway, as soon as exams are over I am SURE you will get a blog! ^_~