May 27th, 2004

Yes, it is a very special day :3

Say hi to the newest (and [second] last, making me the youngest [so far]!!) member of the Old Hag Club. XP

Thank you guys for all the presents. Love the CD especially. (Like I haven’t dropped enough hints over the past two or three months xD Sorry if I was annoying.) Yes, it is cheesy (yes, I listened through the entire album), but… *kee hee hee hee hee* I haven’t started reading the book yet–well, I read the introduction. And it sounds interesting. Although I think I’ll inevitably (haha) end up thinking of TOK every time I read it. And thanks for truly making me and Sarah comrades with Woodstock (Point of order la~?)

And check out my shiny new Japanese computer course *_* No substitute for a real class, of course, but hopefully I’ll be able to regain what little comprehension I had two years ago.

Don’t feel like doing work xD

This entry was posted on Thursday, May 27th, 2004 at 7:39 pm and is filed under general. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

One Response to “… drumroll please”

Sarah Says:

Happy 18th to my comrade!! Whee~!! *huggles*