June 5th, 2004

Because I am incredibly bored and not tired at all, here are some fun fun stats on last night:

Number of bobby pins used to hold up my hair: 34
Number of bobby pins that were still in my hair after I thought I’d taken all of them out: 2
Number of times I got annoyed with the slip: 2
Number of times I could have taken a picture of cake girl but didn’t: 2
Number of times I thought I’d lost my ticket: 3
Number of pictures taken on my aunt’s digital camera: 24
Number of pictures I should have taken: 50
Number of pictures in the camera wars: 2. I think I deleted the others.
Consecutive number of hours I was awake: 22.5. That hot chocolate really put me to sleep.
Number of hours of sleep: 5
Highest number of hours of continuous sleep: 2
Number of times I woke up in the night: 3
Number of tissues I have used since last night (I’ve got a cold ??;;): about 7.

Theoretical probability of my father answering the phone: 1/3
Actual probability of my father answering the phone: 1/100
Probability of my mother acquiescing to a request to stay out late: 1/100
Probability of my father acquiescing to a request to stay out late: 3/4
Therefore, it follows:
Probability of my father answering the phone and acquiescing to a request to stay out late: 3/400

And now for actual prose. I’ve been reading pulp fantasy novels (no thinking required, just a good appreciation of puns) lately, so if it’s banal or trite, I apologize.

As everyone should know by now, I’m horribly indecisive and still wasn’t really sure if I should go to school at 7:30 am. This was only compounded by the fact that my mother asked me, “Do you have to go to school today?” Then I figured I hadn’t done the timeline of the Arab-Israeli conflict for nothing (by the way, if you want the improved Word document, let me know and I’ll send it to you) and figured we might actually blitz through a unit in Chem… so I went.

History was a rather prosaic affair; returning to my part-time job as a bookie, I had people predict how many would show up to class. Surprisingly, there were about 12 or so. The timeline wasn’t collected; we went over it in class, each of us annotating our own copy. Our teacher did make some interesting comments at the end about the history exams she’d marked; apparently, one paper 3 had a total of six sentences written, two for each question. So don’t worry: no matter how badly you think you did, there is someone out there who did worse.

If History was prosaic, Chemistry was bromidic (not quite used appropriately here but too good of a pun to pass up). We had a sub. David poked his head around the door, saw her, and left. A total of 4 people showed up to class. I ignored the redox sheet I picked up and edited James’ TOK essay instead. (That was headache-inducing.) Eventually we gave up working and played two-player Tetris instead.

After that class, I picked up some last-minute supplies at the drugstore, including the blotting sheets I won’t shut up about. Despite my best efforts, I got coerced into going for dim sum anyway. The only interesting thing was that the NDP candidate for the riding came in and started campaigning. The restaurant’s manager kept looking at him suspiciously. I still have his brochure somewhere; it’s a bilingual one (Chinese, not French.)

Sarah then came over and did my hair for me. Unlike me and my attempts yesterday, she actually has some talent when it comes to this stuff. I think we’ve both developed a psychological dependence on bobby pins, though.

And then we were off! We walked into the lobby of the hotel and there was no one there. Well, no one we knew. Karen soon met us and we waited for people to arrive. They did. (I wonder if Inderbir and Bobby ever got cards?) All in all, we probably spent an hour finding people to take pictures with, as well as people to take pictures for us. I now wish I’d remembered to bring my camera to the IB dinner/dance; not only do I have a lot more friends in IB, a lot of the people who were there didn’t come to the regular school dinner/dance, so I don’t have pictures of them at all! Unfortunately, Iris’ camera started dying early.

We were ushered into the ballroom for dinner, which didn’t start for what seemed like an hour. They handed back letters we’d written to ourselves several years ago; I didn’t get mine. I have half a mind to march down to Ideal and demand it. I remember some of the things I wrote, but not all; in any case, I’m not the same girl I was three or four years ago, and well… nostalgia’s always interesting.

The food was decent. I preferred the food at the IB dinner, in all likelihood because I like salmon better than roast beef. I don’t have many complaints, other than the length of time it took for our table to be called up.

The dance started soon after. The first song was that Celebration song, which has been forever ruined by my watching a truly dreadful performance on Superstar USA. I didn’t spend a lot of time dancing; the flashing lights wreaked havoc on my poor coordination. It was amusing watching the teachers dance, though. Or trying to, when Adam wasn’t standing in front of me.

So we got shooed out of the ballroom at 11:45 or so, and eventually we ended up in the lobby, where I still couldn’t decide if I wanted to loiter or not. After much agonizing over what I was going to tell my parents, I hit one of the lucky three outcomes: my dad picked up the phone and let me go.

It was… well… it was loitering. We strolled down to the beach and sat on a log. Michael did eventually sing, though >D Although it took a while. It started to rain [musical interlude: “You can try to hide away / From every drop of rain / That’s hanging over you”] so we up and left, going to Blenz for hot chocolate at 3(!!) in the morning. Only notable feature about the shop: they were playing J-rock. I think it was X Japan, although since I don’t like J-rock, it was rather hard to tell. That and Chen gave us a math problem to think about. Boo! I do not think well at 3am in the morning. Unless I’m playing Monopoly.

Got home at 3:30. Thanks to **everyone** for the memories and the good times 😀
“This is the night where we capture forever and all our tomorrows begin”

[Also, on a completely unrelated note, I find it amusing that Simon and I live in the same riding.]

This entry was posted on Saturday, June 5th, 2004 at 1:00 pm and is filed under general. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

4 Responses to “Grad dinner/dance stats”

Sami Says:

I beat you! 38 bobby pins!

Sarah Says:

Talent?? What talent? Considering I didn’t know how to use gel or bobby pins before I tried them out on your hair …

Anthony Says:

Now, that’s talent.

Neale Says:

Are you reading the Xanth books?! Errr… pardon me for butting in. . leaves .