June 10th, 2002

Junk mail can really be quite hilarious. I don’t bother deleting them because, hey, they’re in my Junk Mail folder (where they belong.) Anyway, some -er- interesting subject lines:

–> Are you a man? [Can you say, NO? Also, note to all English students: allusion to Macbeth.]
–> Attention all Military Personnel! [Yes, of course, they’d let me into the military. >.> Freaks.]
–> Congratulations Cool [Someone signed up my email for all these stupid offers with the name “COOL POOL.” Yes, it’s capitalized like that.]
–> Free Cake Decorating Kit!! [You know, I really have to find out who signed me up for these offers. I can’t bake. At ALL.]

And, you know what? I don’t remember signing up to receive half of the newsletters I do. I mean newsletters, not junk mail.

>.> I need to go read books about the man named Louis Riel. Wheeeeeee.

Oh yes, and I have a new link for {{link http://www.icedover.net/Me Pluto_Chan}}! Please visit her! ^_^

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