It’s been a while since I last blogged, so this entry will probably be unnecessarily long and full of pointless rambling.
Yahoo! Mail has upped their storage limit to 100MB, and one can now send emails of up to 10MB. Things never load on the first try, however, and I’m getting a little impatient with its long load times. Interesting developments; I wonder if it’s in response to the rising hype about Gmail, Google’s highly anticipated email service. It’s still in beta testing right now, but there are people who would apparently offer an arm and a leg for one. As for me, I think I’ll wait until it becomes open to the public.
In other news, I now have [slow] cable interest service. It’s a mixed blessing, to be sure: sure, I can download things faster, but now I no longer have any reason to tell Michael to archive his blog.
Speaking of Michael’s blog, I feel that several of my friends need an overhaul in terms of their blog designs. *points at Anthony and Michael* I offer new layouts since I designed their old layouts, and they’re not aging very well. Although if anyone else wants a layout, you’re always welcome to ask.
Even though I’ve graduated from high school now, I won’t be changing this layout for a while. It took too much work. Plus, it’s not a trendy anime blog layout. And it’s accessible. Yeah, I’m proud of this sucker.
And that’s not all…!
As yesterday was the last day of school, we also crashed Ideal, something which we’ve been meaning to do for a long, long time. It was great to see everyone again and reminisce about the good ol’ days ^^ The school feels a lot smaller, though–the lounge has always been crowded, I suppose, but with two ranges and two microwaves, there was hardly enough room for the three of us (and my backpack.)
After chatting for a long while, we ended up sitting in on a History class. Rather ironic how things come full circle like that. The last room that I saw at Ideal was the first one I saw, the one where my high school career began. And whaddya know, I was answering questions both times. For some reason I’m reminded of Aaron’s quote: “They can take you out of Ideal, but they can never take the Ideal out of you.”
Uh… right.