September 25th, 2004

or a blog.

Oddly enough, the two tutorials I found on skinning sites were both hosted on cat-related domains – Amy’s, and Jenn’s. Coincidence? I think so.

Anyway, I seem to have kind of worked out of my layout block, so I have a new skin (er, layout) for everyone who’s bored of this default WordPress layout. I have to admit it’s not really my kind of layout–sure, it looks professional and all, but it’s also terribly generic. And the CSS is a pain to edit. :faint: Not only is it long–it’s actually quite complex, and I admit I learned a thing or two about CSS editing it :tensed:

Darn it, that reminds me, I haven’t yet finished the mechanics of the stupid thing–I’ve still got to set up a style-switching page and link it from here… Anyway, check out the Witch Hunter Robin skin, and if you don’t like it, you can always go back to good ol’ default here :biggrin:

I like this skin for several reasons: first off, I got it to work! Kinda impressive, I think 😉 Secondly, it features Witch Hunter Robin, which probably isn’t very trendy anymore since it was released in 2002, but they just started showing this on YTV, and I like it so far. It’s a little dark but not depressing; it is a little slow but since I’ve only seen the first three episodes… I assume it’ll pick up a little later. The music is wonderful, from the rockish opening, “Shell,” to the assorted BGM throughout the series. The animation’s not bad, either. Thirdly, I dusted off my non-existent PHP programming skills to insert a random quote in the layout. Ha! I don’t need to download simple scripts like this when I can write them myself. :smirk:

This entry was posted on Saturday, September 25th, 2004 at 9:01 pm and is filed under general. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

One Response to “More than one way to skin a cat…”

Petzee Says:

😯 I LOVE the Witch Hunter Robin skin! Love love love. The colors are so nice and autumn-y. It makes me happy! :star: