October 27th, 2004

As a typical university student, I ride the bus. More than I like. And it’s not always the most comfortable of rides. So, on the behalf of bus riders everywhere, I would like to bring the following things to the public’s attention.

  1. Do not stand in the doorway if you’re not getting off until the last stop. Actually, just don’t stand in the doorway unless you’re getting off at the next stop.
  2. If you are standing in the doorway, open the door for the people getting off the bus. On a crowded bus, it can be hard to get to the doors in time and missing your stop can be very frustrating.
  3. If there is an empty seat and the bus is crowded, sit down. This especially applies if you have a huge backpack of doom on your back. It of course does not apply if someone who needs the seat more than you is standing.
  4. Your bag does not deserve a seat. Give the seat to the carbon-based lifeform that’s not rotting in your backpack. (Although it may be just as inanimate.)
  5. Keep your music to yourself. At a managable level.
  6. When the bus driver tells you to move back, move back.
  7. Don’t cut in line for the express bus to the university in the morning, and then tell the person who was just about to get on that “there’s no room left.”
  8. Please, have your fare ready before you board, especially if you’ll be getting on the bus first. It’s not really that hard, is it?

This entry was posted on Wednesday, October 27th, 2004 at 6:26 pm and is filed under general. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

5 Responses to “Public transit”

Bobby Says:

Wow, I just realized I have horrible bus etiquette… I disregard nearly all these guidelines on a daily basis.

Anthony Says:

Interesting. I think I’ll post my thoughts on buses.

Jessica Says:

Good thing I don’t use the bus that often, eh? :tongue:

Neale Says:

It’s all so true. I like getting on busses where there’s very little other people on, because it makes everything so much easier. The thing about standing in the doorway when you’re not getting off at the next stop really infuriates me.

Anthony Says:

I just run over the people standing in the doorway. Too bad I don’t have my big laptop bag anymore to use as a pile-driver