1) If I’m to go into Biochem, I need BIOL 121. I do not need to take the lab course. (Wait, or do I? The website is saying two different things…) I need to take the lab course. But I can do that in the summer. Assuming I can take 121 next term. I can take BIOL 200 without having taken BIOL 112 if I take CHEM 203 at the same time. Which I definitely plan to do, since I’m interested in organic chem.
2) This would be a lot easier if I decided I didn’t like Biochem.
3) This would be even easier if I decided to become an Arts student.
4) I don’t want to go into pharmacy. It’s probably too late now, anyway.
5) Research sounds vaguely appealing but I don’t know if I’m cut out for it. I wouldn’t mind TA-ing, though. Ha, I’d probably enjoy that more than my research as a grad student.
6) Maybe I should just teach. Or maybe not.
7) Maybe I should be a Linguistics student. Problem: What in the world do you do with a linguistics degree?
8) Which program will I enter? Major? Honours? Should I do co-op? How about a minor? Would it be better to get a minor in Arts or a semi-related science?
I think it’s time to make an appointment with Science Advising…