November 10th, 2004


1) If I’m to go into Biochem, I need BIOL 121. I do not need to take the lab course. (Wait, or do I? The website is saying two different things…) I need to take the lab course. But I can do that in the summer. Assuming I can take 121 next term. I can take BIOL 200 without having taken BIOL 112 if I take CHEM 203 at the same time. Which I definitely plan to do, since I’m interested in organic chem.

2) This would be a lot easier if I decided I didn’t like Biochem.

3) This would be even easier if I decided to become an Arts student.

4) I don’t want to go into pharmacy. It’s probably too late now, anyway.

5) Research sounds vaguely appealing but I don’t know if I’m cut out for it. I wouldn’t mind TA-ing, though. Ha, I’d probably enjoy that more than my research as a grad student.

6) Maybe I should just teach. Or maybe not.

7) Maybe I should be a Linguistics student. Problem: What in the world do you do with a linguistics degree?

8) Which program will I enter? Major? Honours? Should I do co-op? How about a minor? Would it be better to get a minor in Arts or a semi-related science?

I think it’s time to make an appointment with Science Advising…

This entry was posted on Wednesday, November 10th, 2004 at 11:01 pm and is filed under general. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

3 Responses to “Random university stuff”

Bobby Says:

It would be easier if you became an Arts student (speaking from experience on the Arts side of things), but then there’s the BIG question of what can anyone do with an Arts degree.

Megan Says:

Thanks for the congrats! :blush:
Yuck-scheduling and major planning is such a major pain in the butt. :faint: Good luck!

Jess Says:

Ack, the woes of having to choose modules. :s That’s one thing I am NOT looking forward to newt year! Oh darling, did I tell you I received the dates for my Cambridge interviews? I’m flying over on the 4th and the interview itself is on Monday 6th. *dies* Wish me luck, ne?